News and Events

from around the parish and the Church of Scotland

Big Footprint Armadale

In response to the Moderator’s request for all generations to walk together and have a blether. Our Boys Brigade, Girls Brigade, Guild and our friends from St Anthony’s Church, Methodist Church and Restore Church took to the streets of Armadale on Easter Saturday walking between all the Churches showing a united presence within our community.

A big thank you to all who took time to come and walk and to all the organisers and the ladies who made the tea.

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Spring/Easter Fayre

The Fundraising Group would like to thank everyone who donated to our recent Spring Fair. We raised the fantastic total of £1275 thanks to our amazing congregation and the following local businesses who supported us.

Allure Beauty, Virsa Restaurant, Pattersons Shortbread, Dewars Butchers, Rowan Tree, Lloyds Pharmacy, Gordons Pharmacy, David Barton, Arnold Clark.

Blythswood Appeal

Our Church has collected around 245 hats and 100 shoe boxes this year. Many of the hats will be sent to Belarus and the rest will go with the Shoe Boxes being sent for Christmas gifts through the Blythswood Appeal for people in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and the Ukraine.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Appeal.

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We have received a cheque for £426.88 which was our Gift Aid payment for the money raised from the Sponsored Walk. This now makes the total for the Walk £2,401.88 which is a fantastic effort.

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Church Fundraising

Pie, Pea and Bingo night

A very enjoyable night at our Pie, Pea and Bingo event when we raised the amazing amount of £836. We also collected £215 from our Quiz Sheet money making a grand total of £1,051.

Another brilliant effort from our Fundraising Team and supporters.


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Church of Scotland News

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