The Girls' Brigade

Seek, Serve and Follow Christ

Armadale Girls’ Brigade is a lively, vibrant organisation for girls and young women. We are a volunteer led uniformed organisation which was founded on Christian principles over 120 years ago.

We are a modern, progressive organisation open to girls of all faiths or none and welcome those with educational or other special needs.

The Brigade meet weekly during school term time.
Explorers 4-7 18:00 - 19:15 Large & Small Halls Contact
Juniors 8-11 19:00 - 20:30 Large & Small Halls Contact
Brigader 12-18 19:45 - 21:15 Large & Small Halls Contact

Tuesday 23 May

1st Armadale Girls' Brigade recently celebrated its Silver Anniversary.

The group marked 25 years of being affiliated to Armadale Parish Church with dedicated volunteers leading fun and friendship activities for many girls and adult team members over the years.

The company celebrated the achievements of the girls at a special awards evening on 23rd May and held a fun disco/party on 29 May.

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