Church Hall Improvements
We hope you are all well in these difficult times. Although we are unable to meet in person in Church or in the Church Hall we are working behind the scenes to make sure we benefit from the wonderful improvements to our Church Halls when we are allowed to meet in person again. It is great to think we are not that far away from that now.
As you may remember we received a grant from West Lothian Council as part of the Town Centre Improvement. We would like to thank our local elected members and the West Lothian Council for their continued support. The grant was spent mainly on the following areas. kitchen improvements, a refurbishment of the large hall and safety railing for our fire exit. We are sure you will all be delighted in the difference this has made in providing a light modern space more suitable for all.
Through this grant we have kept the focus of Armadale Parish Church that we have accessible spaces for all residents in Armadale. We have taken advice in out amendments to ensure we move towards the Church being Dementia friendly, the main feature of this was the lowering of the large hall ceiling. In our kitchen we have fitted a rise and fall worktop so it can be used safely by children and young people and this along with other design features ensures wheelchair users can use the kitchen safely.
We look forward to welcoming you back to our regular clubs, groups and larger events in this wonderful new space as soon as it is safe to do so.
Church Hall Refurbishment
As you can see from the pictures our Church Halls have been able to be greatly improved due to the grant we received from West Lothian Council. This is as well as the continual work required to make our Church Halls an accessible community space.
We have submitted a planning application to West Lothian Council and not surprisingly they have asked for further ground exploration due to the mining history in Armadale. We had to explore employing a structural engineer to undertake the work requested by West Lothian Council. Great news you may have seen some goings on in the Church grounds as the work was completed 2 weeks ago.
It is exciting times ahead as we await the results of the report. We have also submitted a building warrant application.
We will keep you updated as soon as we hear back from our architect.
Take care and keep safe.