Armadale Parish Church have just completed a Seasons for Stewardship Programme on the theme of “time”.

After hearing from their Stewardship Consultant, Margot Robertson, the Planning Group set aside September for their programme, “Time to Connect”. Throughout September there was:

TIME for Leisure - a Family Service followed by the Big Picnic outside the church halls. Bouncy Castle, puppets, crafts and musical items. A DVD was made of this day and will be distributed to those who could not attend.

TIME for Church - Re-dedication Service for Groups and Organisations. 40 children from the SS and uniformed organisations came together and sang a song. Those who had won the “Design a Logo” for the Programme publicity were given tokens.

TIME for Others - Back to Church Sunday plus presentations to the two local charities. 2 members of the church also offered to join the Street Pastors’ Team.

TIME for God - Prayer, reflection and 2 Communion Services
attended by 250 people.

Rev Julia Wiley said: “Our Consultant helped us with a Programme about ‘time’ and we had a wonderful time together. We have learned so much about our time for God, time for Church, time for others and time for leisure.” Contact Julia for more information: email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..