Welcome and Intimations
Lighting of the Advent Candle
Candle liturgy
- One:
We have lit three candles—for hope, for peace, and for joy. Today we light the fourth candle—the candle of love. With this flame we signify the love of God that surrounds and fills us at all times, but that we recognize in a special way in the Christmas story. There is no greater power than love. It is stronger than rulers and empires, stronger than grief or despair, stronger even than death. We love, because God loves us.
(Four candles are lit)
O come, thou Key of David, come,
and open wide our heavenly home;
make safe the way that leads on high,
and close the path to misery:
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
shall come to thee, O Israel.
- All:
Loving God, we open ourselves to you this Christmas season.
As these candles are lit, light our lives with your imagination.
Show us the creative power of hope.
Teach us the peace that comes from justice.
Fill us with the kind of joy that cannot be contained, but must be shared.
Magnify your love within us.
Prepare our hearts to be transformed by you,
That we may walk in the light of Christ. Amen.
Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory
for ever and ever.
The Nativity — A Christmas to Believe In
CH4 277 Hark the Glad Sound!
Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes, the Saviour promised long: let every heart exult with joy, and every voice with song!
He comes, the prisoners to relieve, in Satan's bondage held; the gates of brass before him burst, the iron fetters yield.
He comes the broken hearts to bind, the bleeding souls to cure; and with the treasures of his grace to enrich the humble poor.
The sacred year has now revolved, accepted of the Lord, when heaven's high promise is fulfilled, and Israel is restored.
Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace, thy welcome shall proclaim; and heaven's exalted arches ring with thy most honoured name.
CH4 282 Christmas Is Coming!
The first is for God's promise to put the wrong things right, and bring to earth's darkness the hope of love and light.
Christmas is coming the Church is glad to sing and let the advent candles brightly burn in a ring.
The second is for the Prophet Who said that Christ would come. With good news for many And angry words for some.
Christmas is coming the Church is glad to sing and let the advent candles brightly burn in a ring.
The third is for the Baptist, Who cried ‘Prepare the way, be ready for Jesus, Both now and every day’
Christmas is coming the Church is glad to sing and let the advent candles brightly burn in a ring.
The fourth is for the virgin, Who mothered God’s own Son, And sang how God’s justice Was meant for everyone.
Christmas is coming the Church is glad to sing and let the advent candles brightly burn in a ring.
WGRG / The Iona Community
CH4 334 On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry announces that the Lord is nigh; awake and hearken for he brings glad tidings of the King of kings.
Then cleansed be every heart from sin; make straight the way for God within; prepare we in our hearts a home, where such a mighty Guest may come.
For you are our salvation, Lord, our refuge and our great reward; without your grace we waste away, like flowers that wither and decay.
Stretch out your hand, to heal our sore, and make us rise to fall no more; once more upon your people shine, and fill the world with love divine.
All praise to you, eternal Son, whose advent has our freedom won, whom with the Father we adore, and Holy Spirit, evermore.
CH4 320 Joy to the World
Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
let ev’ry heart prepare him room
and heav’n and nature sing,
and heav’n and nature sing,
and heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing.
Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns!
Let men their songs employ,
while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains,
repeat the sounding joy,
repeat the sounding joy,
repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
He rules the world with truth and grace
and makes the nations prove
the glories of his righteousness
and wonders of his love,
and wonders of his love,
and wonders, wonders of his love.
CH4 324 Angels from the Realms of Glory
Angels from the realms of glory, wing your flight o'er all the earth; ye who sang creation's story now proclaim Messiah's birth:
Come and worship Christ, the new-born King. Come and worship, worship Christ, the new-born King.
Shepherds in the field abiding, watching o'er your flocks by night, God with us is now residing, yonder shines the infant Light:
Come and worship Christ, the new-born King. Come and worship, worship Christ, the new-born King.
Wise men, leave your contemplations; brighter visions beam afar; seek the great Desire of nations; ye have seen his natal star:
Come and worship Christ, the new-born King. Come and worship, worship Christ, the new-born King.
Though an infant now we view him, he will share his Father's throne, gather all the nations to him; every knee shall then bow down:
Come and worship Christ, the new-born King. Come and worship, worship Christ, the new-born King.
All creation, join in praising God the Father, Spirit, Son, evermore your voices raising to the eternal Three in One:
Come and worship Christ, the new-born King. Come and worship, worship Christ, the new-born King.
CH4 300 The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy, the Virgin Mary had a baby boy, the Virgin Mary had a baby boy and they say that his name is Jesus.
He come from the glory, he come from the glorious kingdom; He come from the glory, he come from the glorious kingdom. O yes, believer! O yes, believer! He come from the glory, he come from the glorious kingdom.
The angels sang when the baby was born, the angels sang when the baby was born, the angels sang when the baby was born and they sang that his name is Jesus.
He come from the glory, he come from the glorious kingdom; He come from the glory, he come from the glorious kingdom. O yes, believer! O yes, believer! He come from the glory, he come from the glorious kingdom.
The shepherds came where the baby was born, the shepherds came where the baby was born, the shepherds came where the baby was born and they say that his name is Jesus.
He come from the glory, he come from the glorious kingdom; He come from the glory, he come from the glorious kingdom. O yes, believer! O yes, believer! He come from the glory, he come from the glorious kingdom.
CH4 310 See Him Lying on a Bed of Straw
See Him lying on a bed of straw:
a draughty stable with an open door;
Mary cradling the babe she bore –
the Prince of glory is His name.
O now carry me to Bethlehem
to see the Lord appear to men –
just as poor as was the stable then,
the Prince of glory when He came.
Star of silver, sweep across the skies,
show where Jesus in the manger lies;
shepherds, swiftly from your stupor rise
to see the Saviour of the world!
O now carry me to Bethlehem
to see the Lord appear to men –
just as poor as was the stable then,
the Prince of glory when He came.
Angels, sing the song that you began,
bring God’s glory to the heart of man;
sing that Bethl’em’s little baby can
be salvation to the soul.
O now carry me to Bethlehem
to see the Lord appear to men –
just as poor as was the stable then,
the Prince of glory when He came.
Mine are riches, from Your poverty,
from Your innocence, eternity:
mine forgiveness by Your death for me,
child of sorrow for my joy.
O now carry me to Bethlehem
to see the Lord appear to men –
just as poor as was the stable then,
the Prince of glory when He came.
Jubilate Hymns
Benediction/Commission and Blessing
- One:
Depart in peace, and take with you the certain knowledge
That God is always coming into the world.
- All:
We will seek God, not in a long ago stable or ancient manger,
But in the people we meet and the depths of our own hearts.
- One:
May the blessing of Christmas make you a blessing to others;
May the peace of the season pervade all that you do.
- All:
We will welcome the challenge of discipleship.
We will offer ourselves as God’s ministers.
We will go forth in hope, peace, joy, and love.