1. Welcome and Intimations

  2. Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

    Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name;
    thy kingdom come;
    thy will be done;
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation;
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    the power, and the glory
    for ever and ever.

  3. CH4 510 Jesus Calls Us

    1. Jesus calls us here to meet him
      as, through word and song and prayer,
      we affirm God’s promised presence
      where his people live and care.
      Praise the God who keeps his promise ;
      praise the Son who calls us friends ;
      praise the Spirit who, among us,
      to our hopes and fears attends.

    2. Jesus calls us to confess him
      Word of life and Lord of all,
      sharer of our flesh and frailness,
      saving all who fail or fall.
      Tell his holy human story ;
      tell his tales that all may hear ;
      tell the world that Christ in glory
      came to earth to meet us here.

    3. Jesus calls us to each other,
      vastly different though we are ;
      creed and colour, class and gender
      neither limit nor debar.
      Join the hand of friend and stranger ;
      join the hands of age and youth ;
      join the faithful and the doubter
      in their common search for truth.

    1. I Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20)
    2. John 1:43-51

  4. Children’s Message

  5. CH4 96 You Are Before Me, God, You Are Behind

    Psalm 139

    1. You are before me, Lord, You are behind.
      And over me You have spread out Your hand;
      Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
      Too high to grasp, to great to understand.

    2. Then from Your Spirit where, Lord, shall I go;
      And from Your presence where, Lord, shall I fly?
      If I ascend to heaven You are there,
      and still are with me if in hell I lie.

    3. If I should take my flight into the dawn,
      If I should dwell on ocean's farthest shore,
      Your mighty hand will rest upon me still,
      And Your right hand will guard me evermore.

    4. If I should say, "Let darkness cover me,
      And I shall hide within the veil of night,"
      Surely the darkness is not dark to You;
      The night is as the day, the darkness light.

    5. Search me, O God, search me and know my heart;
      Try me, O God, my mind and spirit try;
      Keep me from any path that gives You pain,
      And lead me in the everlasting way.

  6. Meditation

  7. CH4 680 You Are Called

    1. You are called to tell the story,
      passing words of life along,
      then to blend your voice with others,
      as you sing the sacred song.
      Christ be known in all our singing,
      all with songs of love.

    2. You are called to teach the rhythm
      of the dance that never ends,
      then to move within the circle,
      hand in hand with strangers, friends.
      Christ be known in all our dancing,
      touching all with hands of love.

    3. You are called to set the table,
      blessing bread as Jesus blessed,
      then to come with thirst and hunger,
      needing care like all the rest,
      Christ be known in all our sharing,
      feeding all with signs of love.

    4. May the One whose love is broader
      than the measure of all space
      give us words to sing the story,
      move among us in this place.
      Christ be known in all our living,
      all with gifts of love.

    © Ruth C. Duck

  8. Offering

  9. Prayer of Intercession

  10. CH4 251 I the Lord of sea and sky

    1. I, the Lord of sea and sky,
      I have heard My people cry;
      all who dwell in dark and sin
      My hand will save.
      I who made the stars of night,
      I will make their darkness bright.
      Who will bear My light to them?
      Whom shall I send?

      Here I am, Lord.
      Is it I, Lord?
      I have heard You calling in the night.
      I will go, Lord,
      if You lead me;
      I will hold Your people in my heart.

    2. I, the Lord of snow and rain,
      I have borne My people’s pain;
      I have wept for love of them –
      they turn away.
      I will break their hearts of stone,
      give them hearts for love alone;
      I will speak My word to them.
      Whom shall I send?

      Here I am, Lord.
      Is it I, Lord?
      I have heard You calling in the night.
      I will go, Lord,
      if You lead me;
      I will hold Your people in my heart.

    3. I, the Lord of wind and flame,
      I will tend the poor and lame,
      I will set a feast for them –
      My hand will save.
      Finest bread I will provide
      till their hearts are satisfied;
      I will give My life to them.
      Whom shall I send?

      Here I am, Lord.
      Is it I, Lord?
      I have heard You calling in the night.
      I will go, Lord,
      if You lead me;
      I will hold Your people in my heart.

  11. Blessing